Artwork : ArchiveNo00049

Pinafore 1905





Contributor Name Christine Bevereley Spratt
Contributor Image Christine_Beverley_Spratt_00049.jpg

Location West Wittering
Collection Date 07.10.07 12.40pm
Artefact Name Pinafore
Artefact Description Apron to be tied around the waist, with waistband forming a diamond-shaped panel that would be pinned to the dress. Cotton. Embroidered spots. Very good condition, some very small holes. Broderie anglaise.
Artefact Date 1905
Artefact Stored In plastic bag, in wardrobe on shelve, in bedroom
Artefact Form

Artefact Image Pinafore_00049.jpg
Sample Taken Fibres from edge
Sample Image

History of Artefact Great grandmother's pinafore. Used for serving in the afternoon at Admiralty House in Portsmouth Dockyard where she worked from approx. 1890 - 1910.
Family from Portsmouth. Great-grandmother was born in 1862. She was sent to Portsmouth to work going into service. Married in 1882 at the runaway church St James's at Milton. Her husband was a printer and paper-bag maker in Portsmouth.

Historian - 'Worn on formal occasions at tea parties, waiting in public rather than waiting in the kitchen. She may have embroidered it herself or another family member may have made it. Worn with a black dress or skirt with a blouse, typical Edwardian dress.'
Historian John Stedman / Rosalinda Hardiman
Previous Owners Great grandmother Margaret Burt, nee Moore. Born in Princetown, Dartmoor. Died in 1915.
Special Memories 'This is the only physical record of my great grandmother. I never knew her and this object marks a part of my life and history that is interesting to me.'
Artwork Image

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