Artwork : ArchiveNo00006

Bomb from the Napoleonic Era c. 1800






Contributor Name Portsmouth City Museum
Contributor Image ros_web.jpg

Location Old Portsmouth
Collection Date 11.10.06
Artefact Name Bomb from the Napoleonic Era
Artefact Description A round, iron cannonball.
Poor condition. Diametre approx. 10cm.
Artefact Date c. 1800
Artefact Stored Museum store
Artefact Form 0006_bomb.jpg
Artefact Image 006.jpg
Sample Taken Top layer of rust
Sample Image

History of Artefact One of a collection of Napoleonic bombs. These were the first Recently checked in 2006 by the bomb squad! It was not found to be harmful.
Bombs were hollowed projectiles (50 to 75 kilos) which added a breaking effect to the burst. This result was particularly sought against buildings during siege operations. The powder load reached 3 to 4 kilos. The bomb was a hollowed sphere, which inner surface was reinforced in its bottom (culot in French) whose role was to sustain the burst pressure. There was always the danger that the projectile would explode soon after departure, in which case the artillery piece could be damaged or destroyed. Every bomb was equipped with a fuse, a hollowed pipe made from a lime tree and filled with an inflammable mixture, which length and density were "estimated" by the artificer.
Historian Rosalinda Hardiman
Previous Owners

Special Memories

Artwork Image 0006-bomb_napoleonic.jpg


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jpgjpg 0006-bomb_napoleonic.jpg manage 52.1 K
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jpgjpg ros_web.jpg manage 137.9 K

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