Artwork : ArchiveNo00036

Concert Programme 1959






Contributor Name Claire Looney
Contributor Image Claire_Looney_blue_pic.jpg
Profession Arts Officer
Location Portsmouth Civic Offices
Collection Date 09.11.06 1.55pm
Artefact Name Concert Programme
Artefact Description 1950's design. Poor condition.
Programme to celebrate the re-opening of Portsmouth Guildhall. It's falling apart at the edges with water damage.
Artefact Date 1959
Artefact Stored Office tray in Civic Offices
Artefact Form 0036-form.jpg
Artefact Image 0036.jpg
Sample Taken Paper from edge
Sample Image

History of Artefact The Queen came to the re-opening of the Guildhall which had been built after it had been bombed during the war in 1941. There was a concert to celebrate the re-opening which she attended. Large scale orchestral concerts in Portsmouth have been a tradition for a long time. The inside cover shows Lord Mayor councillor L.J. Evans. M.P.S, J.P.'
Historian Catherine Smith
Previous Owners None
Special Memories 'The programme is kept so that Portsmouth City Council can recreate that concert in 2009, fifty years later. The orchestra still exists and we still have a relationship with them.'
Artwork Image 0036-1959_concert.jpg



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