Artwork : ArchiveNo00037

Tricorn Dust 1966






Contributor Name Katy Ball
Contributor Image Katy_Ball_pic.jpg
Profession Historian
Location Portsmouth City Museum, Old Portsmouth
Collection Date 06.10.07 11.15am
Artefact Name Tricorn Dust
Artefact Description Loose pieces, dust, and concrete.
Artefact Date 1966
Artefact Stored Office in Portsmouth City Museum
Artefact Form

Artefact Image Tricorn_Dust_-_correct_size.jpg
Sample Taken Small piece
Sample Image

History of Artefact The Tricorn was demolished during 2004. It was a City centre car park with shops beneath.
A controversial building - where the public seemed to love it or hate it!
Taylor Woodrow owned the building. It was designed to house Commercial Road as a fruit and veg market. Owen Luder was the designer. His concept was that of a Souk- Arabic market. The building was started in 1964 and completed in 1966.
Historian Katy Ball
Previous Owners Demolition company handed in the sample.
Special Memories It was a previous landmark in Portsmouth. It was an infamous building and was one of the first buildings visitors to the city would see.
Artwork Image 00037_Tricorn_artwork.jpg

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