Artwork : ArchiveNo00038

Moulding from the New Theatre Royal c. 1900






Contributor Name Katy Ball
Contributor Image Katy_Ball_pic.jpg
Profession Historian
Location Portsmouth City Museum, Old Portsmouth
Collection Date 06.10.07 11.30am
Artefact Name Moulding from the New Theatre Royal
Artefact Description Plaster moulding with paint, crumbling and worn.
Poor condition.
Artefact Date c. 1900
Artefact Stored In John Philipson's home and then donated to Portsmouth City Museum.
Artefact Form

Artefact Image Moulding_NTR_-_correct_size.jpg
Sample Taken Small piece
Sample Image

History of Artefact It was created when the theatre was re-designed by Frank Matcham.

Historian - 'The theatre was first built in 1854. John Philipson used the original to make moulds for repair of the proscenium arch (the centre stage of the theatre).'
Historian Katy Ball
Previous Owners John Philipson (he worked at the Theatre Royal and was the unofficial historian.)
Special Memories It was a vibrant theatre and still is today! Beautiful architecture in the heart of the city.
Artwork Image 00038_web.jpg

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