Artwork : ArchiveNo00045

Peignor - Dressing Gown 1930s






Contributor Name Jane Kilford
Contributor Image Jane_Kilford_00045.jpg
Profession Artist
Location Somerstown
Collection Date 07.10.07 10.20am
Artefact Name Peignor - Dressing Gown
Artefact Description Silk and chiffon with machine embroidery. Some sun damage and small holes. Black, orange and gold.
Artefact Date 1930s
Artefact Stored In studio
Artefact Form

Artefact Image Janes_Gown.jpg
Sample Taken Small piece of fabric from inside
Sample Image

History of Artefact Art Deco - French material and design. Expensive when first made probably made by someone's dressmaker.

Historian - 'These garments were very fashionable at the time and probably quite expensive.'
Historian Rosalinda Hardiman
Previous Owners Josie Carroll
Special Memories 'It came from a family friend, educated in France, her mother was a very strong woman who would host dinner parties and entertain people. Her mother was a well educated, proud woman. All her possessions were dwindling away when she was housed in a nursing home. All her other items were sold at Christie's. This is precious because it links me to these people and allows me to re-create the period of Art Deco in my mind.'
Artwork Image 00045_Dressing_Gown_1930.jpg

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