Artwork : ArchiveNo00050

Birth Tag 1940






Contributor Name Christine Beverley Spratt
Contributor Image Christine_Beverely_Spratt_00050.jpg

Location West Wittering
Collection Date 07.10.07 1.05pm
Artefact Name Birth Tag
Artefact Description Pink cardboard tag - reads 'R N & R M M H Baby Sherwood female 6lbs 8oz 2.1.40'
Good condition.
Curved, metal nappy pin.
Artefact Date 1940
Artefact Stored On book shelf in book Christine made for parent's wedding anniversary
Artefact Form

Artefact Image Birth_Record_Tag_Nappy_Pin_00050.jpg
Sample Taken String from tag
Sample Image

History of Artefact Tag would have been worn around the wrist. Her father was in the Navy and away at sea, his ship was the HMS Royal Oak and it was destroyed on 14 October 1939 in the Orkneys. Beverley House in Wickham, Hampshire was moved there because of the disruption caused by the war.
'Because of the bombing, my mum had to leave Portsmouth to give birth to me in Beverley House in Wickham. I was christened in St.Mark's Church Portsmouth.'

Historian - 'The museum has a photograph of Beverley House with the mid-wives and babies. 1930s institution. All babies born called the 'Beverley Babes'.'
Historian John Stedman / Rosalinda Hardiman
Previous Owners Lillie Sherwood and Jesse Sherwood, Christine's mother and father
Special Memories 'It reminds me of my mother and father. If my father had not survived (834 men died when HMS Royal Oak was torpedoed) I would never have known him. He came to visit me at Beverley House in a particularly bad winter. It reminds me of my father surviving a very bad experience.'
Artwork Image 00050_WEB.jpg

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