Artwork : ArchiveNo00054

Belt 1955






Contributor Name John Stedman
Contributor Image Jon_Steadman_00054.jpg
Profession Historian
Location Chichester
Collection Date 07.10.07 3.25pm
Artefact Name Belt
Artefact Description Brown leather with steel buckle. Worn with white paint marks.
Artefact Date 1955
Artefact Stored On John's decorating trousers! Chichester
Artefact Form

Artefact Image Belt_00054.jpg
Sample Taken Leather fibres from the end
Sample Image

History of Artefact John's father's belt. He remembers him in uniform. He was a Trinity House pilot on ships in Portsmouth, Isle of Wight and Southampton. Former master mariner.
The belt would have been worn while at work in Portsmouth.

Historian - 'Never seen another like it. It has a mass produced buckle.'
Historian John Stedman / Rosalinda Hardiman
Previous Owners Victor Stedman
Special Memories 'I have a mental image of him wearing a red hat and a scruffy grey shirt held up by this belt and with bushy sideburns. This is how he would dress while doing DIY.' It represents a characteristic memory of his father.
'He would work in shifts and while waiting for the call to go to work, he would get on with DIY. He continued to wear it after he was retired.'
It gives John a warm feeling and he wears it when he does the DIY.
Artwork Image 00054_web.jpg



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