Artwork : ArchiveNo00062

Model of Albert RN 1950s






Contributor Name Royal Naval Museum
Contributor Image richardnoyce_copy.jpg

Location HM Naval Base (Dockyard
Collection Date 30.01.08 1.03pm
Artefact Name Model of Albert RN
Artefact Description Museum Ref No. 162. Prisoner of war escape dummy.
Good condition. Wearing a Greatcoat, Naval Lieutenant’s uniform with cap. He has Naval Lieutenant’s rank on both shoulders. Yellow towel around his neck.
Artefact Date 1950s
Artefact Stored Dedicated store
Artefact Form

Artefact Image close_mod_web.jpg
Sample Taken

Sample Image

History of Artefact Presented to the museum in 1985. John Worsley made the dummy. He was in ‘Marlag 0’ prison camp in East Germany where he made the original model to help Lieutenant William Mewes to escape from the camp. This was the third model made (one was made for the actual escape – this one was confiscated by the Germans and destroyed, one for the film Albert RN in the 1950's which was a reconstruction of events and this one made specifically for the Navy Museum, made in exactly the same way as the originals).
Historian Richard Noyce
Previous Owners John Worsley
Special Memories Been on loan to the Imperial War museum for the Prisoner of War exhibition and to Brighton Museum for an exhibition on John Worsley. Also, been to Bonham’s auction house as well.
Artwork Image 00062_maxfin_copy.jpg

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