Artwork : ArchiveNo00066

HMS Victory Sail 1805






Contributor Name Royal Naval Museum
Contributor Image richardnoyce_copy.jpg

Location HM Naval Base (Dockyard)
Collection Date 30.01.08 2.51pm
Artefact Name HMS Victory Sail
Artefact Description Museum Ref. No. 1984/378
Likely to be part of the foretop sail.
Damaged. Made of coarse canvas similar to Hessian, from Manchester. Stained.
Artefact Date 1805
Artefact Stored Dedicated store, but whole piece of foretop sale is on display in the Royal Naval Museum.
Artefact Form

Artefact Image 00066_victory_sail.jpg
Sample Taken

Sample Image

History of Artefact Sail was damaged at the Battle of Trafalgar, 21 Oct 1805. Admiral Nelson defeated the French naval fleet and was killed during the battle.
The foretop sail would have been one of the smallest sails on Victory – but still very large approx. 100 ft by 50 ft.
Historian Richard Noyce
Previous Owners Royal Navy trophy centre (Trophy Number 4090)
Special Memories The sail itself was discovered in the 1990s in the naval base. It was rolled up and had been there for a long time before people realised it was actually the sail from HMS Victory!
Artwork Image Archive_00066_art.jpg

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