Artwork : ArchiveNo00067

Lady Hamilton's Dress Hem 1799






Contributor Name Royal Naval Museum
Contributor Image richardnoyce_copy.jpg

Location HM Naval Base (Dockyard)
Collection Date 30.01.08 3.10pm
Artefact Name Lady Hamilton's Dress Hem
Artefact Description Museum Ref. No. 1988/116
Good condition. Rectangular fragment of the dress.
Embroidered with green, gold threads to make images of natural forms. Embroidered and made by Emma Hamilton. Fine linen. Text reads ‘Nelson, Bronte, Nelson’.
Artefact Date 1799
Artefact Stored Dedicated store
Artefact Form

Artefact Image 00067_Dress_hem.jpg
Sample Taken Small thread from the reverse
Sample Image

History of Artefact Emma Hamilon made the dress hem to honour Admiral Lord Nelson and wore it on 29th September 1799 at a dinner in Palermo for his 41st birthday.
Emma was Nelson’s mistress – this was a very public relationship. She had one child by him, a girl called Horatia. Nelson was the Duke of Bronte.

Historian Richard Noyce
Previous Owners Donated by Mr Weekes, a descendant of Lady Hamilton
Special Memories 'Emma Hamilton lived in Uppark House in Sussex in her early life when the House was owned by Sir Harry Featherstonehaugh (prounounced Fanshaw), and it was here she is said to have danced naked on the dining table for the entertainment of his friends. It was rumoured that she had a child at this time, fathered by Sir Harry. During her stay at Uppark she met the Hon. Charles Greville nephew of Sir William Hamilton.' Historian - Richard Noyce
Artwork Image Resize_Wizard-Archive_00067_art.jpg

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