Artwork : ArchiveNo00138

Foremast 1787






Contributor Name HMS Victory
Contributor Image Peter_Goodwin_pic.jpg

Location Portsea
Collection Date 05.06.08 4.20pm
Artefact Name Foremast
Artefact Description The Foremast was made up of seven sections from seven trees. This is a section of the Foremast made from soft pine. It is 3ft in diameter approx. The pine would be Baltic or Norwegian. It is three metres long with iron hoops.
Artefact Date 1787
Artefact Stored Middle gun deck by the main mast, HMS Victory
Artefact Form

Artefact Image mast.jpg
Sample Taken Chip from the inside of the mast
Sample Image

History of Artefact It was used from 1801 – 1807. The Foremast has a shot hole straight through it from the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The hole was probably made from the ‘Bucentaure’, the French ship, from which Nelson was shot. It is made from soft pine which makes it resinous, flexible and light in weight. This would have made the ship balance and not be top heavy. The section was originally 112ft long. A Composite mast was made up of a series of sections bound together with iron hoops. They adapted the French concept for Composite masts.

‘There is a horse shoe nailed on to the Foremast by a seaman who was on the Victory.’
Historian - Peter Goodwin
Historian Peter Goodwin
Previous Owners None
Special Memories ‘The French were kicked out of America and subsequently lost their supply of masts. Then, the British fell out with the Americans and also lost their supply. So the French had to engineer a new system of making masts.’
Historian - Peter Goodwin
Artwork Image 00138_web.jpg


Topic attachments
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