Artwork : ArchiveNo00141

Document Box 1780






Contributor Name HMS Victory
Contributor Image Peter_Goodwin_pic.jpg

Location Portsea
Collection Date 05.06.08 5.01pm
Artefact Name Document Box
Artefact Description 32cm (Length) x 20cm (width)x 18cm (height).
Wooden box with a print inside of George III. Image of scissors has been burnt into the lid of the box.
Artefact Date 1780
Artefact Stored Secretary’s Cabin, Quarter deck, starboard side, HMS Victory
Artefact Form

Artefact Image wood_box1.jpg
Sample Taken Inside corner edge of print
Sample Image

History of Artefact It belonged to John Scott (Nelson’s official secretary) who was one of the first casualties on Victory. He was killed exactly were Nelson would later fall when his (Scott’s) body was severed in two by a single round shot. His remains were immediately thrown over-board without a ceremony. Nelson remarked ‘Oh dear is that poor Scott?’ They had actually tried to dispose of him before Nelson could see him.

Historian Peter Goodwin
Previous Owners John Scott who was Nelson’s official secretary
Special Memories ‘I suppose no one would want to see one’s own personal secretary cut into two halves! They tried to get him overboard quickly because they felt it would have shocked Nelson too much. The print was in the box when we acquired it. I suppose John Scott could have been patriotic.’
Historian - Peter Goodwin
Artwork Image 00141wb.jpg



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