Artwork : ArchiveNo00186

Whitsands Family Photograph 1931






Contributor Name Neale Brickwood, Harry Brickwood
Contributor Image neal-h_.jpg

Location Southsea
Collection Date 13.12.08
Artefact Name Whitsands Family Photograph
Artefact Description Black and white family photograph.
42 x 74mm
Artefact Date 1931
Artefact Stored Brown envelope in drawer in study
Artefact Form

Artefact Image neale_p_fam.jpg
Sample Taken Paper from top-right corner
Sample Image

History of Artefact A photograph of the ‘Haley’ family at Whitsands Bay, Cornwall. It features Neale’s mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and great-grandfather, two uncles, mother’s two cousins and two great aunts.
‘The little boy is wearing a full-length swimming costume that would have been typical for males at this time. By 1939 it was more common for males to wear trunks. The little girl is wearing a two-colour swimming costume with a belt. The others are wearing their normal clothes that is so different to how things are today. The great-grandfather is wearing a Homburg hat – typical of the time. The haircuts are very typical of the time too – the women have bobbed hair. You can see a permanent wave in their hair just above the ear.’ Historian
Historian John Stedman, Rosalinda Hardiman
Previous Owners Neale’s uncle (Bill Haley) Mum’s (Maureen Haley) twin brother
Special Memories ‘The tea-tray would have been carried down 20foot cliffs! There are 250 years of ancestry around this beach.’ John Stedman
‘It would have been a formal approach to picnicking. This was a time for tourism on the beaches – the mass seaside holiday. As there is only one man present it could suggest that it was a weekday because the men would be at work.’ Historians
Artwork Image 00186_f_copy.jpg


That's fantastic to have a permanent record of my ancestors on the internet. My only suggestion is that the Interesting comments in the special memories are actually proposals form the historian rather than my memories - i wasn't around then!

-- Neale Brickwood - 18 Feb 2009

Well spotted! I have put John Stedman (Portsmouth City Museum historian) by the quote, he made the comment at the public session originally. Don't worry, you really didn't appear that old at the public sampling session!

-- Seran Kubisa - 18 Feb 2009

How amazing , this photo triggers off enough memories to write a book !!! My first memory comes from Whitsands Bay , I remember being in a car and being shown out the window and seeing an expanse of sky and far below the sea . When the car stopped I was carried by the driver down a steep path , then I was in a pram on a small wooden balcony of a chalet looking over the side of the pram and seeing the sea far below. I know I was only ten months old as verified by my very suprised mother when I asked her about it as an adult . The reason we were there was because of the bombing in Plymouth, our house had been bombed and my mother thought that we would be safe at Whitsands Bay. She was very familiar with the area as her father came from the next bay along .

-- Joyce Rimell - 01 Mar 2009

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