Artwork : ArchiveNo00188

Souvenir Shell Box C.1960






Contributor Name John Sackett, Melanie Fay Sackett, Zoe May Sackett
Contributor Image 00188_p.jpg

Location Southsea
Collection Date 13.12.08 3.37pm
Artefact Name Souvenir Shell Box
Artefact Description Plywood box with hardboard base. The lid is decorated with sea shells, they have been glued and varnished with some colour applied to enhance the shells natural look. ‘Minnis Bay’ is written on the front.
Fair condition. A couple of shells missing.
Artefact Date C.1960
Artefact Stored Bedroom window-sill
Artefact Form

Artefact Image 00188.jpg
Sample Taken Shell that had come loose from the lid
Sample Image

History of Artefact ‘It belonged to my grandparents. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents and we visited Minnis Bay, near Burchington-on-Sea, Kent regularly. We made sandcastles, collected shells and spend time in the beach-hut. My grandmother moved to Tazmania. I remember seeing this object as a child. When she died my cousin Kerry gave me a collection of objects that belonged to her. The simplicity of this treasured object means a lot. ’ John Sackett
‘It was probably made on a small production line – made by hand. It is finished very neatly.’ Historian
Historian John Stedman, Rosalinda Hardiman
Previous Owners Grandmother – Eileen May Sackett nee. Eastland
Special Memories ‘Being near the sea means a lot to me. I have many happy childhood being near the sea.’
John Sackett
Artwork Image 00188_WEB.jpg


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