Artwork : ArchiveNo00189

Cascade 1935






Contributor Name Hilsea Lido
Contributor Image jane_smith_lido.jpg

Location Hilsea
Collection Date 04.02.09 11.15am
Artefact Name Cascade
Artefact Description It is the east-side cascade made up of cream painted concrete. A two-tier, hexagonal structure with a base. The height is approx. 2 metres and the diameter of the base is approx. 3 metres.
Artefact Date 1935
Artefact Stored East-side of main pool
Artefact Form

Artefact Image 00189w.jpg
Sample Taken Concrete from east-side of pool
Sample Image

History of Artefact The Cascade was used to filtrate and aerate the water in the main pool. It was an important part of the pumping system ensuring that the water was changed every eight hours. Originally it used salt water from Ports Creek which added freshness and energy to the site as it functioned as a fountain.
‘The water was pumped around the piping system. The idea of changing the water every eight hours was a part of the health ethos to embrace cold water ‘lovely!’. The Lido was a huge innovation of the time and cleanliness was considered to be very important. You were provided with good clean water to swim in. Portsmouth City Council built it and owned it.’ Jane Smith
Historian Jane Smith
Previous Owners Portsmouth City Council
Special Memories It was a favourite feature for the children who played in it.
Artwork Image 00189_web.jpg


Topic attachments
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jpgjpg 00189_web.jpg manage 505.4 K
jpgjpg 00189w.jpg manage 206.4 K
jpgjpg jane_smith_lido.jpg manage 173.0 K

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