Artwork : ArchiveNo00190

Changing Room Cubicle 1935





Contributor Name Hilsea Lido
Contributor Image jane_smith_lido.jpg

Location Hilsea
Collection Date 04.02.09 11.35am
Artefact Name Changing Room Cubicle
Artefact Description The cubicle is 1.5m deep, 1m wide, 2.5m in height. The cubicle contains white tiled walls, pink pipes, silver/chrome shower head and a white, porcelain shower tray.
Artefact Date 1935
Artefact Stored South side of main pool
Artefact Form

Artefact Image 00190_w.jpg
Sample Taken Wood from panel on the right-side of the entrance to the first cubicle
Sample Image

History of Artefact Originally there was a long corridor off the changing rooms which contained shower cubicles, toilets, wooden seats with wooden lockers. At present there are two changing cubicles, four toilets and four showers.
‘This was a facility were everything was thought of in its design but over the years this has gone and been eroded which is not so good for the customers. It costs £2 to swim at the moment.’ Jane Smith
Historian Jane Smith
Previous Owners Portsmouth City Council
Special Memories ‘When I was young I remember the stone floor and windows which are still the same now. Fundamentally it is the same as it was years ago.’ Jane Smith
Artwork Image



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