Artwork : ArchiveNo00192

Drinking Fountain 1935






Contributor Name Hilsea Lido
Contributor Image jane_smith_lido.jpg

Location Hilsea
Collection Date 04.02.09
Artefact Name Drinking Fountain
Artefact Description The fountain is painted cream. It has a concrete base with no equipment to drink from. Hexagonal design approx. 0.5m by 0.5m
Artefact Date 1935
Artefact Stored Right-side from the entrance to the main pool by the cascade. Bottom east-end of pool.
Artefact Form

Artefact Image 00192_w.jpg
Sample Taken Concrete from bottom right
Sample Image

History of Artefact The drinking fountain provided fresh water for the children in the main pool to drink because the pool contained saltwater. There were two fountains on site.
‘I remember coming to the Lido in the 1950s in its heyday when it was considered a wonderful amenity. I came from London to visit my grandparents in Kipling Road, Hilsea.’ Jane Smith
Historian Jane Smith
Previous Owners Portsmouth City Council
Special Memories ‘It was always a very familiar sight to see children drinking from it when you were in the main pool.’ Jane Smith
Artwork Image 00192_WEB.jpg


Topic attachments
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jpgjpg 00192_WEB.jpg manage 526.0 K
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jpgjpg jane_smith_lido.jpg manage 173.0 K

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