Chinese Community at Friendship house - Southsea December 07

19 Sep 2008 - 14:36:43 by Seran Kubisa in Announcements
I interrupted the groups regular meeting where they play games-Mahjong, read Chinese papers, keep fit and smile a lot! The youngest member was in their 70's and quite a few in their 90's with areal sense of wisdom.

This investigation was very special, re-living stories and experiences from across the continent took me and theinvestigation to lands far away. Discovered were very treasured and carefully looked after artefacts which had often been well traveled. Each artefact had many significant associated stories, a fascinating group of people.

Having come to live with their families in Britain later on in life, picking up English had been a struggle, An interpreter helped with the translations. This gave room for communication withface and eyes and not just words-great smiles and laughs were exchanged and tears always close by!

One of the artefacts was a Chinese /English dictionary still being used today after a 100 years in total, of constant use by the lady and her Father before her. The jade Buddha was also significant, worn everyday for protection. Mr Choi was one of my oldest contributors to date and recollected a life he had led previously in Hong Kong where he was given his artefact a Chinese painting.



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