'Treasure Islands' Opening Public Session

05 Mar 2009 - 15:36:36 by Seran Kubisa in Announcements
‘Treasure Islands’ opening to the start of a city- wide search for treasures began at Portsmouth City Museum in October 2007. This was the start of a year-long investigation. This two day session was open for the Public with some further contributions from the museum itself.

I met for the first time the museums historians John Stedman and Kirsty Ball. Their knowledge about the sessions investigated artefacts was vital for ‘Treasure Islands’ archives. To have expert knowledge was also appreciated by the Public who came in, all eager to find out more!

Kirsty got into the swing of the investigation by digging out treasures from the museums own collection, one of them being Tricorn dust saved from the Tricorn demolition in 2004. The Tricorn was one of Portsmouth’s significant buildings may be for all the wrong reasons- a concrete carpark and shop jungle!! There were always mixed views on its architectural value. It was one of the first sites as you entered Portsmouth. It feels good to keep it alive and archived through the investigation and tribute artwork! The other contribution was Mary Nobes 1789 wedding dress – colour green, not white which became fashionable later! It is written on, in the inside, reading it brought me closer to that moment in history.

Being at the museum was a great setting for Treasure Island, pulling in dedicated contributers as well as passers by who couldn’t resist!

One contributor Mr Davies brought in a treasure trove of items each with a story remembered in magnificent detail. It was a difficult choice to choose his archive contribution they were all worthy. I would like to say a special thank you to Mr Davies for this fantastic collection that he brought in to share.

  • Sally, Seran, Rosalinda, John with Mr David Davies:

  • Mr Davies extra artefact:

  • Mr davies game:

  • Mr Davies collection:

  • puzzle_word.jpg:

  • Mr Freeman one of my favorite contributions from the session:



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City Forensics Treasure Island - A Forensic Investigation of a City

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