The Hunt is on for Portsmouth's hidden treasure

20 Nov 2007 - 13:34:33 by Memories in Announcements
If you think you've got some interesting items tucked away, why not bring them along to the City Museum on Saturday 6 or Sunday 7 October between 10am and 4pm to take part in this unique arts project. If you think you've got some interesting items tucked away, why not bring them along to the City Museum on Saturday 6 or Sunday 7 October between 10am and 4pm to take part in this unique arts project. Treasure Island is a citywide public arts initiative where artist Seran Kubisa's investigation involves searching for hidden treasures within the city's communities and organisations.

A fibre from your personal object or item will be collected and some may be chosen for scientific analysis. All collected fibres, data, photographed items; associated memories will be permanently recorded in the city museums archives. There will also be a historian on hand to talk about some of the more unique items, and to record your memories and stories about the treasures.

Seran Kubisa said: "Tiny samples from these items and their associated stories will be used to create visual arts treasures of a normally unseen world. The natural fluorescence found in older objects can be read as scientific data and this is transformed into stunning images revealing incredible microscopic structures of a normally invisible world. "We would like to take samples of hats, textiles, photos, letters, souvenirs, dried flowers, and items of wood, baskets, suitcases, books, toys, dolls and paintings -in fact anything organic. Please leave objects as you find them - dust is good too! It's not about financial value but sentimental value to the owner.

For more information about the project or what is suitable to bring along please contact the Arts and Cultural Development Service on 023 92688245.

Treasure Island - A Forensic Investigation of a City 6th and 7th October, 10am - 4pm City Museum & Records Office

Open drop in session for forensic fibre collecting from your treasured artefacts with artist Seran Kubisa and a Museum Curator.

Free admission, for more info call the Arts Service on 9268 8245

Notes to Editors:

'Treasure Island' is the third series by artist Seran Kubisa using the Confocal Laser Microscope to create Art. The project explores the valued personal objects of local people's treasures - as well as the inherited treasures in the city's historical museums collection - to produce original public art in collaboration with local community groups and science and technology partners. Twenty seven artworks have been created from forensic size fibres, with a total of 100 artworks to be completed through the investigation.

As well as the workshops, plans for the project include light sculptures in parts of the city centre, lighted images set into pavements and additional projections. In January this year the first projections of the images in Portsmouth city centre attracted favourable public and media attention.



Announcements blog:

City Forensics Treasure Island - A Forensic Investigation of a City

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