The Mary Rose

18 Nov 2008 - 21:20:45 by Seran Kubisa in Announcements

Treasure Islands investigation at the Mary Rose was a real privilege and a momentous day. Having access and being able to archive and collect samples from one of the most stunning shipwrecks in Brtain has definitely been one of Treasure Islands highlghts.

Andy Elkerton was a brilliant host showing and revealing artefacts from the museum and store that I never knew existed or could be made at that time in history. I will always remember The Mary Rose collection for its magnitude of artefacts preserved perfectly under mud, at a moment in history as if time stood still. I will also remember upon seeing this vast collection the personal emotion that observing this had on myself especially when viewing the shoes!

Seeing all the artefacts helped reveal an understanding of the event that led to the Mary Rose fate and death to many aboard. As I was being shown artefact after artefact, a sense and account of the ship and its inhabitants could be readily imagined. With Andy extra information on each artefact, where they were found on the ship and what was happening on board at the moment the ship befell its fate, I could almost feel my self there.

The day left me with a sense of place, drama and shock at what was to befall the crew of the Mary Rose. Being able to witness the evidence of this tragic event leaves one feeling emotional but inspired by one of the most incredible insights into these times. Seeing rows and rows of shoes with leather still molded in the shape of each individual foot inspired one of my tombs in the light installation Sacred Eight at Portsmouth Cathedral this August. The shoes give you a real sense of reality of real men that lost their lives.

Another fascination with this collection is the craftsmanship and engineering of the items made which is amazing. The uses of various types of wood in one item made, like the is brilliant to witness. One of the oldest backgammon boards to date is amongst this collection giving you a sense of timelessness and normality when viewing it. Even medicine has been preserved under the sea mud. Food, peppercorns and fish bones that had been prepared for the evening supper still had remains on. It is the magnitude of perfectly preserved artefacts that still stay with me, seeing in the store rows and rows of everyday items clothes, shoes, bowls, spoons, combs, longbows will never leave my mind.

Andy was on the original dive when they first brought the Mary Rose up from the Solent not far from Spitbank Fort so offered stories and accounts of the journey that the Mary Rose and its contents have taken since that day till now.

I wish The Mary Rose Trust well in their next inspirational adventure of re-housing this ship and collection. The Mary Rose and crew deserve this memorial, sharing with us a lasting legacy and memory to all who lost their lives.

  • Seran and Andy Elkerton in the Mary rose store:

  • pairs_shoes_MR_08.jpg:

  • In the tank collecting a sample from wood off the Mary Rose - could be the crest.:

  • 100's of combs:

  • Gold Coin:

  • Portsmouth Cathedral Installation - Tomb dedicated to the shoes of the Mary Rose:

  • 100's of longbows:

  • The Mary Rose and Treasure Island teams!!:

  • Some of the many artefacts found on board:



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