Change E-mail Address

This form is used to change your registered e-mail addresses. Your registered e-mails are used by TWiki for sending you e-mails, include notifications of password changes. The addresses you register via this form are kept secret and will not be published anywhere on this site.

ALERT! Security Note: You really ought to register a valid e-mail address. If TWiki can't find a registered e-mail for you in the secret database, it will look in your user topic for a line like this:

   * Set Email =
If your user topic is not protected from changes by other people, and you don't register an e-mail address using this form, then your user account could be hijacked by someone else.

If your old e-mail addresses are all invalid (you can't receive mail there any more) and you have forgotten your password, please contact for help.

After submitting this form your e-mail will be changed, and you will be returned to this form.
Registered e-mail addresses for currently logged in user (TWikiGuest):
  Fields marked ** are required
Your Login Name: **
Password: **
New e-mails (space-separated list): **

Related topics: Change Password, Reset Password

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