TWiki Administrator Group

How to add the first administrator
If you haven't previously set up an administrator, follow these steps:
  1. Authenticate as the internal TWiki administrator using the internal admin login (use the username suggested, and the password you set in configure).
  2. Edit this topic
  3. Insert the wikinames of admin users in the TWiki Administrator Group by listing them in the GROUP setting
    (example * Set GROUP = JohnSmith, JamesBond)
  4. Save this topic
  5. Logout from the Internal TWiki Admin User
  6. Verify that new members show up properly in the group listing at TWiki Groups?
  7. Make sure always to keep this topic write protected by keeping the already defined ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting
  8. The ALLOWTOPICHANGE and ALLOWTOPICRENAME settings in TWiki.TWiki Preferences and Memories.TWiki Preferences have already been set to this group (TWikiAdminGroup), restricting edit of site-wide preferences to the TWiki Administrator Group

Related topics: TWiki Users, TWiki Admin User, TWiki Groups? , TWiki Access Control

ALERT! NOTE: You can login as the built-in TWiki Admin User using the password set in configure.

  • If your TWiki is configured to use ApacheLogin, you first need to log in as a normal registered user
  • Login as the internal TWiki administrator using the internal admin login (use the username already suggested and the password set in configure).
  • to logout from Administrator, click the Logout link.

ALERT! NOTE: If you lock yourself out of TWikiAdminGroup during setup activities, or have forgotten the configure password, you can edit this group topic at file system level using any text file editor (as a last resort.)

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