50 Recent Changes in Diary Web retrieved at 16:13 (GMT)
Artist Mike Bartlett attended the opening of 'Treasure Island: A Forensic Investigation of a City' an installation and projections at Portsmouth Cathedral in 2008 ...
You are warmly invited to attend the showing of Recall a film by Seran Kubisa at: Portsmouth Cathedral on Friday October 23rd at 6.30pm S t Thomas's Street, old Portsmouth ...
blog."}% )" else "; C ategory. value\ . "}%" web "Diary" nonoise "on" excludetopic " Template" type "regex" casesensitive "on" format " $formfield(Title) //?category ...
Richard Noyce curator of the Royal Naval museum showed me around the collection in the stores. The stores were shrouded in darkness and every drawer that was pulled ...
Treasure Islands investigation at the Mary Rose was a real privilege and a momentous day. Having access and being able to archive and collect samples from one of the ...
This was an interesting investigation with artefacts brought in whose origins were not from Portsmouth but far away lands of Africa. Each treasure had a fascinating ...
Jon Cuthill from the BBC is making a documentary on Treasure Island: A Forensic investigation of a City. He has already been to visit me at my studio to film me giving ...
The investigation was both humbling and fascinating. Being able to be close to history through the museums collection of D Day uniforms, maps, provisions, sets and ...
Treasure Islands opening to the start of a city wide search for treasures began at Portsmouth City Museum in October 2007. This was the start of a year long investigation ...
I interrupted the groups regular meeting where they play games Mahjong, read Chinese papers, keep fit and smile a lot! The youngest member was in their 70's and quite ...
The investigation has now made good ground at Pompey Football Club! Many of the clubs artefacts were photographed, histories recorded and archives created for Treasure ...
If you think you've got some interesting items tucked away, why not bring them along to the City Museum on Saturday 6 or Sunday 7 October between 10am and 4pm to take ...
Diary Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Diary web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and ...
Blog AddOn This topic is meant for administrators and serves as introduction springboard to BlogAddOn topics. You may safely delete this topic. Start from here ...
Portsmouth City Centre Friday 19th January 2007 Stanhope Road ( hl en q Stanhope Road portsmouth sll 37.0625, 95.677068 sspn 34.396866,81.738281 ie UTF8 om 1 z 16 ...
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City Forensics Treasure Island - A Forensic Investigation of a City